Iga Kovtun

Software Engineer

Follow @russdreamer


Programming languages: Java, Kotlin, ActionScript 3.0, NodeJS, ExtendScript, TypeScript, Bash

Frameworks: Spring, Java Spark, React, Redux, JavaFX

Databases: PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle

Platforms: Mac OS X, Windows, Linux, Android

Automation tools: JUnit, Espresso, Jest, Cucumber, Selenium

Additional Skills: Git Flow, UML, Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes, Kafka, bash-scripting, Google Cloud, Algorithms and Data Structures


Developer who is seeking to improve the world

Work Experience

Java Developer

Grid Dynamics

Worked on «American Eagle» loyalty. Got Google Cloud certificate. Passed Full-Stack and DevOps courses

Company site

Software Engineer

Mail.Ru Group

«Animatic» sub-project based on Ok.Ru.
As a Developer: automated most processes: product assembly, financial calculations and reports, load sharing among workers.
As a Project Manager: recruited a team, conducted interviews, negotiated with the customer, was responsible for the deadlines and products' quality

Company site

Java Software Engineer


Worked on a highly loaded banking service. We have developed 2 microservice modules that allow bank customers to perform some of their operations online, which reduces the workload and human operator costs.

Company site

Project manager


«Minutta»: the application became the number one of thousands of others on the selling chart on ok.ru (the largest Russian social network). The application won Microsoft's grant to develop a mobile version of this application (10.2013).
«AniGifts»: developed a few versions of entertainment products for the Mail.ru Group, which became the top sellers on ok.ru for 5 years (2013 - 2018).

Company site

NodeJS developer

Cronix MicroSystems

Internship. Developed a web widget with facebook / twitter / google+ API which allows to share news to social nets.

Company site


Easy Png

Cross-platform graphics implementation for image compression as the best multi-threaded alternative to existing ones.

See project

Computer Literacy course for IT beginners

Corse with tasks and all tests based on GitHub Actions. Course includes lessons: Git GUI, Bash, Git bash... in progress

See project

Little thief

In the context of the security competition, I found serious vulnerabilities in photobank service, which allow getting a product without payment. I made an application demonstrating vulnerabilities and presented ways to effectively fix it.

See project

Friends story

This application allows a company of friends to respond to a survey, after which the answers combine into a single storyline and render into a video story of friends.

Survey (government project)

Android application for social surveys as an alternative solution to an existing one. It was revealed that workers began to spend on questioning 9-10 times less time compared with the previous software.

See project

Coffee Machine Counter

An application for ICL company to use a coffee machine: it reminds to clean the machine, charges bonuses for using it. Also, special achievements give it the game effect. Nowadays, it's in active use by the whole company.

See project