How to find out who unfollowed you on Instagram

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Category : apps   guides

Instagram has removed the API

Instagram has announced that their API is depricated and will be completely removed September 30. All the application that have provided functionality for the statistics of your followers will stop working soon or stopped already. You wouldn’t be able any longer to get a list of accounts that have unfollowed or followed you.

So, is there any solution? Yes. I made a browser application that doesn’t require your login or password. It works from your browser and easy to use:

How to install:

There are 4 simple steps:

  1. Install Tampermonkey browser’s extension for Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Opera or Firefox. All browser’s versions you can find here.
  2. Install Instagram script.
  3. Log in into your Instagram.
  4. Click «Open app» and enjoy the application! 🙂

How to use:

Video tutorial on youtube

About Iga Kovtun

Developer who is seeking to improve the world

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